Tsukuyomi no mikoto (First Stage)

Tsukuyomi no mikoto (First Stage)

About the further attunement to Tsukuyomi no mikoto

Please make sure that this attunement works only for you. It does not give you the ability to do the attunement to others.

* This attunement will be done during the time when the Moon is in the waxing phase from the new moon to the full moon. Thus you might have to wait this attunement to be done until the Moon is in that phase. I will appreciate your patience.
* It will take 20-30 minutes approximately.
* This is a distant attunement. Either real-time or call-in method is available.
* Please read the attunement text carefully before you have this attunement.
* I will send you the lineage after the attunement has been finished.
* It costs 5,000 JPY.

Information you need to tell me;
1. Your full name.
2. The country and the city in which you live, and the time zone.
3. Your email address with which you can receive an attachment file.
4. Time and date in which you want me to do this attunement. (Please write 1st, 2nd , 3rd if you prefer a real-time attunment. But if you like a call-in method, you do not need to tell me this info at all.) Remember this attunement is done only during the waxing moon phase. Please pick up the date after you check the moon phase.

I will write back to you as soon as possible. (But if you do not receive from me for a week, it might be an accident. Please write to me again about your request.)

Thank you.

Shino Aotsuki

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